
Bus 66 from Chilliwack to Abbotsford?

Bus 66 Chilliwack information

Did you know that there is an express bus 66 from Chilliwack to Abbotsford for students?  If you live in Chilliwack and would like to attend classes at Victory English School, you now can take the express bus from downtown Chilliwack (Yale & Spadina), Vedder / Luckakuck, or Lickman Park & Ride.  This bus goes to the HighStreet Mall, which is only 5 minutes from Victory English School!

This is great news for any Chilliwack student who may be trying to find English help at our school, but may have some transportation needs.

Bus 66 from Chilliwack to Abbotsford Schedule

Here is the Bus 66 Chilliwack schedule


Langley Parks for family and friends

Are you a Langley student looking for a beautiful park to go for a walk with your friends or family? An excellent park that isn’t very busy is located in Langley, BC.  It is called Noel Booth Community Park.  Please click on the following link for more information: https://www.tol.ca/en/services/parks-trails-and-trees.aspx

This Langley ESL park has wonderful trails to walk and you can even see a beautiful lake along the trail too.  If you want to get some relief from the city, then you should definitely come to Noel Booth Community Park and enjoy the many trails and beautiful views to see.


Bus 66 from Langley to Abbotsford

Are you aware of the public transit Bus 66 from Langley to Abbotsford?  If you live in Langley and would like to get to Abbotsford in a convenient and cheap manner, you should check this bus out. There are many times a day available. For those who wish to register and attend English classes at Victory English School, you are now able to ride on the bus from 200th St – Exit 58 Carvolth Bus Exchange Park & Ride.  This bus goes directly to the HighStreet Mall, which is only 5 minutes from Victory English School!

This is excellent news for anyone in Langley who wants to study English, but can’t because of transportation. Now you have a way to get English help by coming to Victory English School! Register today.

Schedule of Bus 66 from Langley to Abbotsford

Here is the schedule of Bus 66 from Langley to Abbotsford schedule if you live in Langley:


Nice Park in Abbotsford for students

Are you looking to find a nice park to visit with your family or friends? There are many parks in Abbotsford for an ESL student to visit.  First, I would suggest Mill Lake Park, which is by Sevenoaks Mall.

Quiet Park in Abbotsford for students

Are you looking for a less busy park? Mill Lake is a nice park, but it can be quite busy since it is so beautiful.  If you are looking for a park that is quieter, you should check out Glen Valley Park, which is nestled along the Fraser River! This park is located on River Road in Langley/Abbotsford between 272nd Street and the dead end of River Road just east of Bradner Road in Abbotsford. If you hike west along the trail you can make it to Fort Langley, the birthplace of British Columbia! There are many nice shops to visit and restaurants to enjoy the local food in Fort Langley.


The HighStreet Mall in Abbotsford, BC, is a brand new mall only 1 hour away from Vancouver! Victory ESL is only 5 minutes from this new mall, and from the nearest bus stop too.

If you have never been to the HighStreet Mall, you should visit it, since it has a different look compared to other malls in Abbotsford, and there are a lot of different shops to choose from. One excellent place is the view at the movie theatre where you can eat a nice meal and enjoy a beautiful sunset from their eating area overlooking the western horizon.

For more information on HighStreet and events happening around Abbotsford, please check out the following link: http://highstreetfv.com/happenings/

If you are looking to eat, I would try an excellent restaurant — Famoso’s Pizza.  Good food, good service, you will have a very nice experience there.  It is also next to the new VIP movie theatre as well.  For more information about Famoso’s Pizza in Abbotsford you can check out reviews here: Famoso’s Pizza Abbotsford Reviews